If art doesn’t make us better, then what on earth is it for?


For the first time since the statistics have been collected, mental illness is increasing at a faster rate than physical disease. 

Defining myself is like confining myself So I undefined myself To find myself…


More and more of us are getting stuck inside of our stress response, where we simply can’t cycle through. In its most recent report on stress in America, the American Psychological Association sounded an alarm over what they found to be a “mental health crisis of great proportion,” affecting every age.


Art that spurs multiple emotions becomes salient, which, in turn rewires your neural pathways. 

For the majority of people, making art for as little as forty-five minutes reduces the stress hormone cortisol, no matter your skill level or experience. And when the arts become a regular practice— the way you might improve nutrition, increase exercise, and prioritize sleep—you unleash an innate tool that helps you navigate the peaks and valleys of your inner life. 


Researchers hypothesize that mandalas offer a soothing structure and direction while being complex enough to require the kind of heightened focus that redirects one’s attention away from anxious, roaming thoughts.

from Your Brain On Art by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross

“Just wanted to let you know that I am still working on my mandala…and it has been excellent. I had some dreams last night – they were weird but connected to what I’m processing and feeling working on my mandala. You were even in my dream – lol! It’s nice to have confirmation from my subconscious that I’m moving the needle some with this work.”

~a client

“Josie, you were patient, made me feel comfortable, ushered me into a safe and sacred space, gave specific and clear direction that made me feel like I was in good hands, and gave me some very helpful direction for the next several days. Thank you.”

~a client

Session I

one hour

zoom or in person




Session 2

one hour


reveal of mandala

Josie’s response


Session 3

one hour

zoom or in person

new mandala



  • Days between Sessions vary

  • Pre-Pay for all 3 Sessions and get 10% off

  • Refer a new client and get 10% off next Session

A client’s Session I mandala.




Art Gallery